This page lists my papers and preprints. Clicking on a title will take you to a page summarizing the paper's main results.
Níckolas de Aguiar Alves, André G. S. Landulfo, and Bruno Arderucio Costa
Aguiar Alves, Níckolas de, André G. S. Landulfo, and Bruno Arderucio Costa. “Positive Mass in General Relativity Without Energy Conditions.” To appear in Physical Review D. arXiv: 2408.00154 [gr-qc].
Abstract: A long-standing problem in physics is why observed masses are always positive. While energy conditions in quantum field theory can partly answer this problem, in this paper we find evidence that classical general relativity abhors negative masses, without the need for quantum theory or energy conditions. This is done by considering many different models of negative-mass "stars" and showing they are dynamically unstable. A fortiori, we show that any barotropic negative-mass star must be dynamically unstable.
Tags: General Relativity and Energy Conditions